At WestClay Orthodontics, one of the most frequent questions we hear from parents and patients alike is: “Which is better—braces or Invisalign?” This is a great question, and the answer can vary significantly depending on the unique needs and goals of each patient. At our practice, we take pride in not just addressing orthodontic needs but also in understanding individual preferences and lifestyle. That’s why we dedicate time to listen to you and your teen to create a personalized treatment plan that’s tailored just for them.

Let’s explore the different treatment options we offer and how they might fit into your child’s orthodontic journey. Traditional metal or clear braces are among the most recognizable options and can be an excellent choice for many. With braces, the primary responsibilities are avoiding certain foods that might damage the brackets and wires and maintaining diligent oral hygiene. Braces are especially suitable for patients who might find it challenging to consistently wear aligners for the required 22 hours a day. If braces are the right fit for your teen, we’ll see them every 6-8 weeks for adjustments, steadily guiding them towards a beautifully aligned smile.

In contrast, Invisalign presents a flexible and discreet alternative for those who excel at adhering to a schedule and prefer fewer dietary restrictions during treatment. This method is also advantageous if brushing and flossing are already a challenge, as Invisalign aligners are easier to manage compared to the nooks and crannies around brackets and wires.

At WestClay Orthodontics, Dr. Davila and Dr. Hani will thoroughly evaluate their specific situation and discuss the best options for achieving your teens ideal smile. We believe in transparent communication, ensuring you both understand why a particular treatment may be recommended and how it aligns with your overall goals. In most cases, both braces and Invisalign are effective methods for creating beautiful, confident smiles, and we’re here to support you both every step of the way.

From the moment you step into our practice, you’ll experience the genuine care and compassion that defines WestClay Orthodontics. We’re not just transforming smiles; we’re building lasting relationships rooted in trust, empathy, and personalized guidance. Welcome to WestClay Orthodontics—where you’re not just a patient; you’re family.

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